Frequently Asked Questions: Supplementary Child Benefit

  • Verhoogde Kinderbijslag

    Being a single parent doesn’t automatically entitle you to a social allowance

    Your family income must not exceed a certain threshold to be eligible to receive this. The fact that you are a single or divorced parent likely has an influence on your family income. This may make you eligible. 

    The threshold amounts and the composition of this Social Allowance depend on where you and your children live: Flanders, Brussels or Wallonia

    KidsLife automatically pays your Social Allowance if you are entitled to it! We do this following receipt of your tax return. We always receive this 2 years after the income year. 

    We (re)evaluate your Social Allowance for 2019 in 2021. We receive confirmation of your 2019 income from the federal government in 2021.  

    Eligible for this allowance and prefer not to wait 2 years? Contact your KidsLife adviser to submit an application. 

    View all of the conditions pertaining to the Social Allowance here

  • Verhoogde Kinderbijslag

    KidsLife assists low-income families by paying them a supplementary allowance: the Social Allowance
    The Social Allowance is entirely dependent on your personal situation: your place of residence, your income and your family circumstances.

    View all of the conditions that apply to your Social Allowance here


  • Verhoogde Kinderbijslag

    If your family income changes, this can affect your entitlement to the social allowance and the selective participation allowance (school allowance). Your entitlement is automatically investigated based on your income from 2 years ago (via your tax return). Suddenly earning significantly more and receiving a social allowance from KidsLife?
     Then please notify us so that we can terminate your social allowance and consequently prevent a potential clawback payment.

    Now earning significantly less and not currently receiving a social allowance from KidsLife? Then contact us so that we can send you the relevant form. Please complete this form specifying your income and return it to us, together with the necessary supporting documents.


  • Verhoogde Kinderbijslag

    Your family may be entitled to supplementary child benefit in addition to the standard Growth Package and Child Benefit amounts (to which every child is entitled). You can view all types of supplementary child benefit here.

    In many cases you needn’t submit a request for supplementary child benefit and we automatically ensure that you receive the correct entitlement. However, you may have to submit a request to KidsLife in certain situations.  Believe that you qualify for an allowance, but aren’t currently receiving it? Then please contact your KidsLife adviser, who’ll gladly assist.

  • Verhoogde Kinderbijslag

    Your local authority automatically notifies us of any changes to your family circumstances via the Crossroads Bank.

    Does this change to your family circumstances have an impact on your Child Benefit or Growth Package payments? Your KidsLife adviser will make the necessary adjustments to ensure that you receive the correct payments. 

    Want to calculate your entitlement?

    Then use our handy simulation tool

  • Verhoogde Kinderbijslag

    Yes. Your entitlement to the School Bonus or School Premium is not dependent on your child’s studies. All children who are entitled to Belgian Child Benefit or the Growth Package will receive the School Bonus at the beginning of August, together with their Child Benefit for the month of July.